Frequently Asked Questions

Placing an order:
All orders must be placed via the online shopping cart. We do not accept any orders by email or phone.

Site Search Box.
This is a powerful tool that can easily help you find a part by part number or description. 

But I don't have a part number!
Try searching by description. "P216G piston" for example. Or "CCK intake valve" etc.

My payment will not go through, Credit Card or Paypal.

The most common checkout problem is that the billing address you specified during checkout does not match the address on file with your credit card company. Our site requires that these addresses match. To fix this problem, change the billing address on the order to the address that matches your credit card statement. 

Street entered as St. or St. entered as Street will cause a problem. West instead W or North instead of N. An extra space anywhere in the billing address form can also be a problem. Invalid zip codes etc. Try an online search, Google etc. of the address you are attempting to use. Many times you will find the error that way very quickly. If the billing info does not match perfectly it will not go through. We can't fix an incorrect billing address. Only YOU can do that.

If you are putting in the correct billing address as it appears on your CC statement or your Paypal profile then the problem is with Paypal or your CC company, not us.
We never see your CC infromation. 

Part cost?

All products on this site have the prices clearly shown. 

Shipping cost?
What about the shipping cost? Get a shipping quote. Simply add the quantity of any part to the shopping cart and then click "shipping estimator". Typically your zip code is all that's required to find out the available shipping options and cost. You do NOT have to fill out a long order form just to get a shipping quote.


Order Confirmation Number:
If you have successfully completed an order you will see an "Order Confirmation Number" at the end of the checkout process.

If your order has been accepted and payment was received you will see the following:

Thank You! We Appreciate your Business!

Your Order Number is: 12345
Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. Credit Card Payment info is not retained.
If you need additional parts a new order will have to be submitted.

Thank you for shopping. Please click the Log Off link to ensure that your receipt and purchase information is not visible to the next person using this computer.

Note: When you login to our site and click on "your account" any placed orders will be shown. If you see a "shopping cart" link at top of page and it contains the items you wanted, this indicates the order has not been completed yet. The items you see in the cart have not been paid for. They will sit there until you complete checkout and submit payment.







A VALID and CURRENT Email address is required for you to receive an order invoice and shipping notification. This email will include your order details & order confirmation number. If you do not have an order confirmation number your order was not received and we will have no record of it. No number = No order = NO PARTS.


Order inquiries:
You must include your "order confirmation number" with any order inquiry. 
No Number = No Reply!

I can't find the shopping cart?
All product pages have an "add to shopping cart" button. By default the quantity is "1". If you need more than one just change the number in the "quantity" box to what you want. Once you click "add to cart" you will then have a "shopping cart".

NOTICE: Simply "adding" parts to the shopping cart is not an ORDER until you PAY for it. No Payment = NO ORDER!

But do you have it in stock? 
Every product page has the available quantity in stock located near the bottom of the part description page. If it says sold out we may or may not actually be sold out. The site is updated daily but sometimes a part quantity gets missed. Some sites do not show a part quantity so you don't know if they actually have it or not. This site will not let you purchase any sold out items. You will never purchase anything from us only to find out later it is on BACK ORDER for who knows how long.

Sold Out.
For items showing sold out please contact us. We may just need to update the site to reflect our current inventory. 

Model/Spec Number & or Serial number.
Contacting us without a FULL model and spec number or at least the STAMPED in the block serial number you might not get a reply. If you don't know what you have then we don't know what you have and there is no way we can be of any help. 

The ID tag is missing or unreadable.
This happens! You will need to find the STAMPED in the block serial number for any chance of us determining what you have. 95% of the time with the STAMPED in the block serial number we can cross to a model and spec number. Raised numbers are CASTING numbers and are useless in determining what you have. All raised numbers on Onan parts, blocks etc. are casting numbers not part numbers.

If all you have is a serial number you must also include the following:
Air-cooled, Water-cooled, Gasoline, Diesel, 1, 2, 4 cylinder. Application: Welder, Generator, Garden tractor, pressure washer etc.

Here are some examples of Onan model/spec numbers:
A series: AJ3.0-3CR/23234A
B series: B43M-MS/12345F
C series: CCK-MS/12345G
D series: DJB-3CR/12345H
P series: P218G-I/12345C
N series: NHC-MS/12345H

Please do not contact us asking for advice on how to repair or troubleshoot your Onan Engine/Genset. Once you have determined what parts you require we will do our best to get them for you if available.  There are many online forums geared toward small engine troubleshooting and repair. They are full of helpful folks willing to give you a hand if you just ask. 

Google is your friend! We have links on our homepage to several excellent forums with many current and retired folks that have experience in the Onan repair business and are ready and willing to lend a hand with whatever your problem may be. 

Phone Orders & Telephone Number.
Can't find our phone number? That's because we don't have one. All orders and inquiries are via this website and or email. 

Short email replies.
We reply to over 100+ emails a day. If we are not brief and to the point on most of our replies nothing would ever get done around here! :) 

What's up with the "No returns on incorrectly ordered parts" policy?
There is absolutely no reason for anyone to order the wrong part! Simply check your parts manual or compare the old part to the one pictured. In some cases actually measuring the part being replaced is VERY important! If you are unsure please "contact us" to help you determine the correct part or parts BEFORE placing an order.

We are not Walmart or Costco. We Do Not Take Accept Returns on Correctly or Incorrectly Ordered Parts. 

Important: If we "screw up" and ship you the wrong part due to our error we will do whatever it takes to make it right. Exchange, return or refund in full including shipping both ways. No arguments!

I need to "add" another part or parts to my order.
Oops! It happens, you forgot to get something and want to add it to your order. 

First, you must understand that we do not know or have access to your payment info! We can't just "charge" your credit card for the additional item or items you need. Your payment is processed via secure checkout by Paypal no matter if you use a credit card directly or a Paypal account. We NEVER see your payment info, credit card numbers etc.

Second, you must contact us BEFORE your order ships! In some cases we can simply add the additional item to your original order at no extra shipping cost. However, if the item or items are too large or odd sized to do that the extra shipping is on you. After contacting us we will let you know how to proceed assuming the order has not shipped. 

Third. You will have to place a NEW order to pay for the additional part or parts. No matter what path of action we take.

All credit card payments are processed via secure checkout through Paypal. A Paypal account is not required. If you are having difficulty using your credit card it is most likely due to a problem with your billing address info. You will have to correct that info as we can't do it for you. We do not take credit card info over the phone so please do not contact us asking to place a "phone order".

I want to cancel my order:
If the order has shipped you are out of luck! It's on the way and we can't get it back. 

If your order has not shipped we will deduct a 10% Administrative/Re-Stocking fee from your refund.  Why? Because once you place the order real live human beings are paid to go out to the parts warehouse and pull the parts from our stocking shelves and then take them to the shipping department where they are processed, packed and boxed up so they are ready to ship.  Canceling an order costs us time and money! If you cancel an order it comes out of your pocket not ours! Avoid paying for canceled orders by NOT placing an order until you are SURE you want the parts! During the checkout process you will be required to agree to our terms and conditions or you will not be able to submit the order.


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Copyright © 2000-2024 TJM. is owned & operated by TJM.
Onan Parts 3